Tutorials: Topology-preserving gene selection and clustering

Topology-Preserving Selection and Clustering (TPSC)

GO TO ➢ [ Summary · Vector Space Model · SOM · SVD ] ➢ [ Hybrid SOM-SVD · Two-Phase Clustering ] ➢ [ HOWTO ] ➢ [ Citations ]


We started this project (dating back from the year 2003) with the awareness: how to exploit the topological structure of multidimensional biological data might be required for in-depth mining of information relevant to a biological process of interest. Although the publication in its methodological part experiences twists and turns, its applications seem to be fruitful. If you are interested in the methodology, please cite Main Publication in Methodology. If you are also interested in the application, please further cite Main Publications in Applications. Since this project is not finished on its own, you can also give credits to Relevant Work.

Main Publication in Methodology

Main Publications in Applications

Relevant Work

Tutorials: Topology-preserving gene selection and clustering