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3.4 Evolving Neural Networks

3.4 Evolving Neural Networks

The study of Neural Networks (NNs) is a large and interdisciplinary area. The term Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is often used to distinguish simulations from biological NNs, but having noted this we shall refer simply to NNs. When evolution is involved such systems may be called EANNs (Evolving Artificial Neural Networks) [316] or ECoSs (Evolving Connectionist Systems) [147].

A neural network consists of a set of nodes, a set of directed connections between a subset of nodes and a set of weights on the connections. The connections specify inputs and outputs to and from nodes and there are three forms of nodes: input nodes (for input to the network from the outside world), output nodes, and hidden nodes which only connect to other nodes. Nodes are typically arranged in layers: the input layer, hidden layer(s) and output layer. Nodes compute by integrating their inputs using an activation function and passing on their activation as output. Connection weights modulate the activation they pass on and in the simplest form of learning weights are modified while all else remains fixed. The most common approach to learning weights is to use a gradient descent-based learning rule such as backpropagation. The architecture of a NN refers to the set of nodes, connections, activation functions and the plasticity of nodes; whether they can be updated or not. Most often all nodes use the same activation function and in virtually all cases all nodes can be updated. Evolution has been applied at three levels: weights, architecture and learning rules. In terms of architecture, evolution has been used to determine connectivity, select activation functions, and determine plasticity.


Three forms of representation have been used: i) direct encoding [316,93] in which all details (connections and nodes) are specified, ii) indirect encoding [316,93] in which general features are specified (e.g. number of hidden layers and nodes) and a learning process determines the details, and iii) developmental encoding [93] in which a developmental process is genetically encoded [149,115,210,135,225,268]. Implicit and developmental representations are more flexible and tend to be used for evolving architectures while direct representations tend to be used for evolving weights alone.

Credit Assignment

Evolving NNs virtually always use the Pittsburgh approach although there are a few Michigan systems: [6,256,259]. In Michigan systems each chromosome specifies only one hidden node which raises issues. How should the architecture be defined? A simple method is to fix it in advance. How can we make nodes specialise? Two options are to encourage diversity during evolution, e.g. with fitness sharing, or after evolution, by pruning redundant nodes [6].

Adapting Weights

Most NN learning rules are based on gradient descent, including the best known: backpropagation (BP). BP has many successful applications, but gradient descent-based methods require a continuous and differentiable error function and often get trapped in local minima [267,294].

An alternative is to evolve the weights which has the advantages that EAs don't rely on gradients and can work on discrete fitness functions. Another advantage of evolving weights is that the same evolutionary method can be used for different types of network (feedforward, recurrent, higher order), which is a great convenience for the engineer [316]. Consequently, much research has been done on evolution of weights. Unsurprisingly fitness functions penalise NN error but they also typically penalise network complexity (number of hidden nodes) in order to control overfitting. The expressive power of a NN depends on the number of hidden nodes: fewer nodes = less expressive = fits training data less while more nodes = more expressive = fits data better. As a result, if a NN has too few nodes it underfits while with too many nodes it overfits. In terms of training rate there is no clear winner between evolution and gradient descent; which is better depends on the problem [316]. However, Yao [316] states that evolving weights AND architecture is better than evolving weights alone and that evolution seems better for reinforcement learning and recurrent networks. Floreano [93] suggests evolution is better for dynamic networks. Happily we don't have to choose between the two approaches.

Evolving AND Learning Weights

Evolution is good at finding a good basin of attraction but poor at finding the optimum of the basin. In contrast, gradient descent has the opposite characteristics. To get the best of both [316] we should evolve initial weights and then train them with gradient descent. [93] claims this can be two orders of magnitude faster than beginning with random initial weights.

Evolving Architectures

Architecture has an important impact on performance and can determine whether a NN under- or over-fits. Designing architectures by hand is a tedious, expert, trial-and-error process. Alternatives include constructive NNs which grow from a minimal network and destructive NNs which shrink from a maximal network. Unfortunately both can become stuck in local optima and can only generate certain architectures [7]. Another alternative is to evolve architectures. Miller et al. [207] make the following suggestions (quoted from [316]) as to why EAs should be suitable for searching the space of architectures.

  1. The surface is infinitely large since the number of possible nodes and connections is unbounded;
  2. the surface is nondifferentiable since changes in the number of nodes or connections are discrete and can have a discontinuous effect on EANN's performance;
  3. the surface is complex and noisy since the mapping from an architecture to its performance is indirect, strongly epistatic, and dependent on the evaluation method used;
  4. the surface is deceptive since similar architectures may have quite different performance;
  5. the surface is multimodal since different architectures may have similar performance.

There are good reasons to evolve architectures and weights simultaneously. If we learn with gradient descent there is a many-to-one mapping from NN genotypes to phenotypes [318]. Random initial weights and stochastic learning lead to different outcomes, which makes fitness evaluation noisy, and necessitates averaging over multiple runs, which means the process is slow. On the other hand, if we evolve architectures and weights simultaneously we have a one-to-one genotype to phenotype mapping which avoids the problem above and results in faster learning. Furthermore, we can co-optimise other parameters of the network [93] at the same time. For example, [21] found the best networks had a very high learning rate which may have been optimal due to many factors such as initial weights, training order, and amount of training. Without co-optimising architecture and weights evolution would not have been able to take all factors into account at the same time.

Evolving Learning Rules

There is no one best learning rule for all architectures or problems. Selecting rules by hand is difficult and if we evolve the architecture then we don't a priori know what it will be. A way to deal with this is to evolve the learning rule, but we must be careful: the architectures and problems used in learning the rules must be representative of those to which it will eventually be applied. To get general rules we should train on general problems and architectures, not just one kind. On the other hand, to obtain a training rule specialised for a specific architecture or problem type, we should train just on that architecture or problem.

One approach is to evolve only learning rule parameters [316] such as the learning rate and momentum in backpropagation. This has the effect of adapting a standard learning rule to the architecture or problem at hand. Non-evolutionary methods of adapting training rules also exist. Castillo [66], working with multi-layer perceptrons, found evolving the architecture, initial weights and rule parameters together as good or better than evolving only first two or the third.

We can also evolve new learning rules [316,233]. Open-ended evolution of rules was initially considered impractical and instead Chalmers [67] specified a generic, abstract form of update and evolved its parameters to produce different concrete rules. The generic update was a linear function of ten terms, each of which had an associated evolved real-valued weight. Four of the terms represented local information for the node being updated while the other six terms were the pairwise products of the first four. Using this method Chalmers was able to rediscover the delta rule and some of its variants. This approach has been used by a number of others and has been reported to outperform human-designed rules [78]. More recently, GP was used to evolve novel types of rules from a set of mathematical functions and the best new rules consistently outperformed standard backpropagation [233]. Whereas architectures are fixed, rules could potentially change over their lifetime (e.g. their learning rate could change) but evolving dynamic rules would naturally be much more complex than evolving static ones.

3.4.1 Ensembles of NNs

Most methods output a single NN [317] but a population of evolving NNs is naturally treated as an ensemble and recent work has begun to do so. Evolving NNs is inherently multiobjective: we want accurate yet simple and diverse networks. Some work combines these objectives into one fitness function while others is explicitly multi-objective.

Single-objective Ensembles

Yao [319] used EPNet's [318] population as an ensemble without modifying the evolutionary process. By treating the population as an ensemble the result outperformed the population's best individual. Liu and Yao [191] pursued accuracy and diversity in two ways. The first was to modify backpropagation to minimise error and maximise diversity using an approach they call Negative Correlation Learning (NCL) in which the errors of members become negatively correlated and hence diverse. The second method was to combine accuracy and diversity in a single objective. EENCL (Evolutionary Ensembles for NCL) [192] automatically determines the size of an ensemble. It encourages diversity with fitness sharing and NCL and it deals with the ensemble member selection problem §3.3.1 with a cluster-and-select method (see [142]). First we cluster candidates based on their errors on the training set so that clusters of candidates make similar errors. Then we select the most accurate in each cluster to join the ensemble; the result is the ensemble can be much small than the population. CNNE (Cooperative Neural Net Ensembles) [138] used a constructive approach to determine the number of individuals and how many hidden nodes each has. Both contribute to the expressive power of the ensemble and CNNE was able to balance the two to obtain suitable ensembles. Unsurprisingly it was found that more complex problems needed larger ensembles.

Multi-objective Ensembles

MPANN (Memetic Pareto Artificial NN) [2] was the first ensemble of NNs to use multi-objective evolution. It also uses gradient-based local search to optimise network complexity and error. DIVACE (diverse and accurate ensembles) [68] uses multiobjective evolution to maximise accuracy and diversity. Evolutionary selection is based on non-dominated sorting [261], a cluster-and-select approach is used to form the ensemble, and search is provided by simulated annealing and a variant of differential evolution [265]. DIVACE-II [69] is a heterogeneous multiobjective Michigan approach using NNs, Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function Nets. The role of crossover and mutation is played by bagging [33] and boosting [97] which produce accurate and diverse candidates. Each generation bagging and boosting makes candidate ensemble members and only dominated members are replaced. The accuracy of DIVACE-II was very good compared to 25 other learners on the Australian credit card and diabetes datasets and it outperformed the original DIVACE.

3.4.2 Yao's Framework for Evolving NNs

Figure 7 shows Yao's framework for evolving architectures, training rules and weights as nested processes [316]. Weight evolution is innermost as it occurs at the fastest time scale while either rule or architecture evolution is outermost. If we have prior knowledge, or are interested in a specific class of either rule or architecture, this constrains the search space and Yao suggests the outermost should be the one which constrains it most. The framework can be thought of as a 3-dimensional space of evolutionary NNs where 0 on each axis represents one-shot search and infinity represents exhaustive search. If we remove references to EAs and NNs it becomes a general framework for adaptive systems.

Figure 7: Yao's framework for evolving architectures, training rules and weights
Image evol-of-architectures

3.4.3 Conclusions

Evolution is widely used with NNs, indeed according to Floreano et al. [93] most studies of neural robots in real environments use some form of evolution. Floreano et al. go on to claim evolving NNs can be used to study ``brain development and dynamics because it can encompass multiple temporal and spatial scales along which an organism evolves, such as genetic, developmental, learning, and behavioral phenomena. The possibility to co-evolve both the neural system and the morphological properties of agents ...adds an additional valuable perspective to the evolutionary approach that cannot be matched by any other approach.'' [93] (p. 59).


Key reading on evolving NNs includes Yao's classic 1999 survey [316], Kasabov's 2007 book, Floreano, Dürr and Mattiussi's 2008 survey [93] which includes reviews of evolving dynamic and neuromodulatory NNs, and Yao and Islam's 2008 survey of evolving NN ensembles [317].
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T Kovacs 2011-03-12