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Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC00). IEEE Press, 2000.

H.A. Abbass.
Speeding up backpropagation using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.
Neural Computation, 15(11):2705-2726, 2003.

D.H. Ackley and M.L. Littman.
Interactions between learning and evolution.
In C. Langton, C. Taylor, S. Rasmussen, and J. Farmer, editors, Artificial Life II: Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, volume 10, pages 487-509. Addison Wesley, 1992.

J. Aguilar-Ruiz, J. Riquelme, and M. Toro.
Evolutionary learning of hierarchical decision rules.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 33(2):324-331, 2003.

Manu Ahluwalia and Larry Bull.
A Genetic Programming-based Classifier System.
In Banzhaf et al. [17], pages 11-18.

H.C. Andersen and A.C. Tsoi.
A constructive algorithm for the training of a multi-layer perceptron based on the genetic algorithm.
Complex Systems, 7(4):249-268, 1993.

P.J. Angeline, G.M. Sauders, and J.B. Pollack.
An evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural networks.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 5:54-65, 1994.

Plamen Angelov.
Evolving Rule-based Models. A tool for design of flexible adaptive systems, volume 92 of Studies in fuzziness and soft computing.
Springer-Verlag, 2002.

A. Asuncion and D.J. Newman.
UCI machine learning repository$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html, 2009.

J. Bacardit, E.K. Burke, and N. Krasnogor.
Improving the scalability of rule-based evolutionary learning.
Memetic Computing, 1(1):55-67, 2009.

J. Bacardit, M. Stout, J.D. Hirst, and N. Krasnogor.
Data mining in proteomics with learning classifier systems.
In L. Bull, E. Bernadó Mansilla, and J. Holmes, editors, Learning Classifier Systems in Data Mining, pages 17-46. Springer, 2008.

J. Bacardit, M. Stout, J.D. Hirst, A. Valencia, R.E. Smith, and N. Krasnogor.
Automated alphabet reduction for protein datasets.
BMC Bioinformatics, 10(6), 2009.

Jaume Bacardit.
Pittsburgh Genetic-Based Machine Learning in the Data Mining era: Representations, generalization, and run-time.
PhD thesis, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2004.

Jaume Bacardit, David E. Goldberg, and Martin V. Butz.
Improving the performance of a pittsburgh learning classifier system using a default rule.
In Tim Kovacs, Xavier LLòra, Keiki Takadama, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, and Stewart W. Wilson, editors, Learning Classifier Systems. International Workshops, IWLCS 2003-2005, Revised Selected Papers, volume 4399 of LNCS, pages 291-307. Springer, 2007.

Jaume Bacardit and Natalio Krasnogor.
Empirical evaluation of ensemble techniques for a pittsburgh learning classifier system.
In Jaume Bacardit, Ester Bernadó-Mansilla, Martin Butz, Tim Kovacs, Xavier Llorà, and Keiki Takadama, editors, Learning Classifier Systems. 10th and 11th International Workshops (2006-2007), volume 4998/2008 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 255-268. Springer, 2008.

A.J. Bagnall and Z.V. Zatuchna.
On the classification of maze problems.
In L. Bull and T. Kovacs, editors, Applications of Learning Classifier Systems, pages 307-316. Springer, 2005.

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Jason Daida, Agoston E. Eiben, Max H. Garzon, Vasant Honavar, Mark Jakiela, and Robert E. Smith, editors.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-99). Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.

Alwyn Barry.
Hierarchy Formulation Within Classifiers System - A Review.
In E. G. Goodman, V. L. Uskov, and W. F. Punch, editors, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and their Application EVCA'96, pages 195-211, Moscow, 1996. The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alwyn Barry.
XCS Performance and Population Structure within Multiple-Step Environments.
PhD thesis, Queens University Belfast, 2000.

Thomas Beielstein and Shandor Markon.
Threshold selection, hypothesis tests and DOE methods.
In 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 777-782, 2002.

R.K. Belew, J. McInerney, and N.N. Schraudolph.
Evolving networks: using the genetic algorithm with connectionistic learning.
In C.G. Langton, C. Taylor, J.D. Farmer, and S. Rasmussen, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Artificial Life, pages 51-548. Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Ester Bernadó, Xavier Llorà, and Josep M. Garrell.
XCS and GALE: A Comparative Study of Two Learning Classifier Systems on Data Mining.
In Lanzi et al. [183], pages 115-132.

Ester Bernadó-Mansilla and Josep M. Garrell-Guiu.
Accuracy-Based Learning Classifier Systems: Models, Analysis and Applications to Classification Tasks.
Evolutionary Computation, 11(3):209-238, 2003.

Ester Bernadó-Mansilla and T.K. Ho.
Domain of competence of XCS classifier system in complexity measurement space.
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, 9(1):82-104, 2005.

Andrea Bonarini.
An Introduction to Learning Fuzzy Classifier Systems.
In Lanzi et al. [181], pages 83-104.

Pierre Bonelli and Alexandre Parodi.
An Efficient Classifier System and its Experimental Comparison with two Representative learning methods on three medical domains.
In Booker and Belew [31], pages 288-295.

Lashon B. Booker.
Triggered rule discovery in classifier systems.
In Schaffer [246], pages 265-274.

Lashon B. Booker.
Representing Attribute-Based Concepts in a Classifier System.
In Gregory J. E. Rawlins, editor, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA91), pages 115-127. Morgan Kaufmann: San Mateo, 1991.

Lashon B. Booker.
Adaptive value function approximations in classifier systems.
In GECCO '05: Proceedings of the 2005 workshops on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 90-91. ACM, 2005.

Lashon B. Booker.
Approximating value functions in classifier systems.
In L. Bull and T. Kovacs, editors, Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems, volume 183/2005 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 45-61. Springer, 2005.

Lashon B. Booker and Richard K. Belew, editors.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA91). Morgan Kaufmann, July 1991.

M.C.J. Bot and W.B. Langdon.
Application of genetic programming to induction of linear classification trees.
In Genetic Programming: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference (EuroGP 2000), volume 1802 of LNCS, pages 247-258. Springer, 2000.

L. Breiman.
Bagging predictors.
Machine Learning, 24(2):123-140, 1996.

L. Breiman.
Arcing classifiers.
Annals of Statistics, 26(3):801-845, 1998.

Gavin Brown.
Ensemble learning.
In Claude Sammut and Geoffrey Webb, editors, Encyclopedia of Machine Learning. Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Gavin Brown, Tim Kovacs, and James Marshall.
UCSpv: Principled Voting in UCS Rule Populations.
In Hod Lipson et al., editor, GECCO'07: the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 1774-1781. ACM, 2007.

Gavin Brown, Jeremy Wyatt, Rachel Harris, and Xin Yao.
Diversity creation methods: A survey and categorisation.
Journal of Information Fusion (Special issue on Diversity in Multiple Classifier Systems), 6(1):5-20, 2005.

L. Bull.
On dynamical genetic programming: Simple boolean networks in learning classifier systems.
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 24(5):421-442, 2009.

L. Bull, M. Studley, T. Bagnall, and I. Whittley.
On the use of rule-sharing in learning classifier system ensembles.
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, 11:496-502, 2007.

Larry Bull.
Two Simple Learning Classifier Systems.
In Larry Bull and Tim Kovacs, editors, Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems, number 183 in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 63-90. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

Larry Bull and Toby O'Hara.
Accuracy-based neuro and neuro-fuzzy classifier systems.
In W. B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. Mathias, R. Roy, D. Davis, R. Poli, K. Balakrishnan, V. Honavar, G. Rudolph, J. Wegener, L. Bull, M. A. Potter, A. C. Schultz, J. F. Miller, E. Burke, and N. Jonoska, editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 905-911. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 9-13 July 2002.

Edmund K. Burke, Mathew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, Gabriela Ochoa, Ender Ozcan, and John R. Woodward.
Exploring hyper-heuristic methodologies with genetic programming.
In C. Mumford and L. Jain, editors, Collaborative Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2009.

E.K. Burke and G. Kendall.
In E.K. Burke and G. Kendall, editors, Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques, pages 5-18. Springer, 2005.

E.K. Burke, G. Kendall, J. Newall, E. Hart, P. Russ, and S. Schulenburg.
Hyper-heuristics: An emerging direction in modern search technology.
In F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, editors, Handbook of Meta-heuristics, pages 457-474. Kluwer, 2003.

Martin Butz, Tim Kovacs, Pier Luca Lanzi, and Stewart W. Wilson.
Toward a theory of generalization and learning in XCS.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8(1):8-46, 2004.

Martin V. Butz.
An Algorithmic Description of ACS2.
In Lanzi et al. [183], pages 211-229.

Martin V. Butz.
Anticipatory learning classifier systems.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Martin V. Butz, David E. Goldberg, and Wolfgang Stolzmann.
Introducing a Genetic Generalization Pressure to the Anticipatory Classifier System - Part 1: Theoretical Approach.
In Whitley et al. [295], pages 34-41.
Also Technical Report 2000005 of the Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory.

Martin V. Butz, David E. Goldberg, and Wolfgang Stolzmann.
Introducing a Genetic Generalization Pressure to the Anticipatory Classifier System - Part 2: Performance Analysis.
In Whitley et al. [295], pages 42-49.
Also Technical Report 2000006 of the Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory.

Martin V. Butz and Stewart W. Wilson.
An Algorithmic Description of XCS.
In Lanzi et al. [182], pages 253-272.

M.V. Butz.
Kernel-based, ellipsoidal conditions in the real-valued XCS classifier system.
In H.G. Beyer et al., editor, Proc. genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO 2005), pages 1835-1842. ACM, 2005.

M.V. Butz.
Rule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems: A Principled Approach to LCS Analysis and Design.
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. Springer-Verlag, 2006.

M.V. Butz, D.E. Goldberg, and P.L. Lanzi.
Bounding learning time in XCS.
In Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO 2004), volume 3103/2004 of LNCS, pages 739-750. Springer, 2004.

M.V. Butz, D.E. Goldberg, and P.L. Lanzi.
Computational complexity of the XCS classifier system.
In Larry Bull and Tim Kovacs, editors, Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems, number 183 in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 91-126. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

M.V. Butz, D.E. Goldberg, and P.L. Lanzi.
Gradient descent methods in learning classifier systems: improving XCS performance in multistep problems.
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, 9(5):452-473, 2005.

M.V. Butz, D.E. Goldberg, P.L. Lanzi, and K. Sastry.
Problem solution sustenance in XCS: Markov chain analysis of niche support distributions and the impact on computational complexity.
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 8(1):5-37, 2007.

M.V. Butz, P.L. Lanzi, and S.W. Wilson.
Hyper-ellipsoidal conditions in XCS: rotation, linear approximation, and solution structure.
In M. Cattolico, editor, Proc. genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO 2006), pages 1457-1464. ACM, 2006.

M.V. Butz and M. Pelikan.
Studying XCS/BOA learning in boolean functions: structure encoding and random boolean functions.
In M. Cattolico et al., editor, Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, GECCO 2006, pages 1449-1456. ACM, 2006.

M.V. Butz, M. Pelikan, X. Llorà, and D.E. Goldberg.
Extracted global structure makes local building block processing effective in XCS.
In H.G. Beyer and U.M. O'Reilly, editors, Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, GECCO 2005, pages 655-662. ACM, 2005.

M.V. Butz, M. Pelikan, X. Llorà, and D.E. Goldberg.
Automated global structure extraction for effective local building block processing in XCS.
Evolutionary Computation, 14(3):345-380, 2006.

M.V. Butz, P. Stalph, and P.L. Lanzi.
Self-adaptive mutation in XCSF.
In GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1365-1372. ACM, 2008.

E. Cantu-Paz and C. Kamath.
Inducing oblique decision trees with evolutionary algorithms.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(1):54-68, 2003.

Erick Cantú-Paz.
Feature subset selection by estimation of distribution algorithms.
In GECCO '02: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 303-310. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.

Rich Caruana and Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil.
An empirical comparison of supervised learning algorithms.
In ICML '06: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning, pages 161-168. ACM, 2006.

J. Casillas, B. Carse, and L. Bull.
Fuzzy-XCS: a michigan genetic fuzzy system.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, 15:536-550, 2007.

P.A. Castilloa, J.J. Merelo, M.G. Arenas, and G. Romero.
Comparing evolutionary hybrid systems for design and optimization of multilayer perceptron structure along training parameters.
Information Sciences, 177(14):2884-2905, 2007.

D. Chalmers.
The evolution of learning: An experiment in genetic connectionism.
In E. Touretsky, editor, Proc. 1990 Connectionist Models Summer School, pages 81-90. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.

Arjun Chandra and Xin Yao.
Ensemble learning using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 5(4):417-445, 2006.
Introduces DIVACE.

Arjun Chandra and Xin Yao.
Evolving hybrid ensembles of learning machines for better generalisation.
Neurocomputing, 69(7-9):686-700, 2006.
Introduces DIVACE-II.

S. Cho and K. Cha.
Evolution of neural net training set through addition of virtual samples.
In Proc. 1996 IEEE Int. Conf. Evol. Comp., ICEC'96, pages 685-688. IEEE, 1996.

S.-B. Cho.
Pattern recognition with neural networks combined by genetic algorithm.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 103:339-347, 1999.
See Kuncheva2004a p.167.

Sung-Bae Cho and Chanho Park.
Speciated GA for optimal ensemble classifiers in DNA microarray classification.
In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2004), volume 1, pages 590-597, 2004.

A.L. Corcoran and S. Sen.
Using real-valued genetic algorithms to evolve rule sets for classification.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 120-124. IEEE Press, 1994.

Oscar Cordón, Francisco Herrera, Frank Hoffmann, and Luis Magdalena.
Genetic Fuzzy Systems.
World Scientific, 2001.

Henry Brown Cribbs III and Robert E. Smith.
Classifier system renaissance: New analogies, new directions.
In John R. Koza, David E. Goldberg, David B. Fogel, and Rick L. Riolo, editors, Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 547-552, Stanford University, CA, USA, 28-31 July 1996. MIT Press.

Hai Huong Dam, Hussein A. Abbass, Chris Lokan, and Xin Yao.
Neural-based learning classifier systems.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 20(1):26-39, 2008.

H.H. Dam, H.A. Abbass, and C. Lokan.
DXCS: an XCS system for distributed data mining.
In H.G. Beyer and U.M. O'Reilly, editors, Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, GECCO 2005, pages 1883-1890, 2005.

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Genetic synthesis of unsupervised learning algorithms.
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Kenneth A. De Jong, William M. Spears, and Dianna F. Gordon.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Concept Learning.
Machine Learning, 3:161-188, 13.

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AI Magazine, 18(4):97-136, 1998.

F. Divina, M. Keijzer, and E. Marchiori.
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F. Divina, M. Keijzer, and E. Marchiori.
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In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2003), pages 898-908. Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Federico Divina and Elena Marchiori.
Evolutionary concept learning.
In W. B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. Mathias, R. Roy, D. Davis, R. Poli, K. Balakrishnan, V. Honavar, G. Rudolph, J. Wegener, L. Bull, M. A. Potter, A. C. Schultz, J. F. Miller, E. Burke, and N. Jonoska, editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 343-350, New York, 9-13 July 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

P.W. Dixon, D. Corne, and M.J. Oates.
A ruleset reduction algorithm for the XCS learning classifier system.
In P.L. Lanzi, W. Stolzmann, and S.W. Wilson, editors, Learning classifier systems, 5th international workshop (IWLCS 2002), volume 2661 of LNCS, pages 20-29. Springer, 2002.

Jean-Yves Donnart.
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Marco Dorigo and Marco Colombetti.
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Jan Drugowitsch.
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Jan Drugowitsch and Alwyn Barry.
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Machine Learning, 70(1):45-88, 2007.

Narayanan E. Edakunni, Tim Kovacs, Gavin Brown, and James A.R. Marshall.
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In Proceedings of the 2009 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'09), pages 1187-1194. ACM, 2009.

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A.A. Freitas.
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In A. Ghosh and S. Tsutsui, editors, Advances in Evolutionary Computation, pages 819-845. Springer-Verlag, 2002.

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In GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1782-1789. ACM, 2007.

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Pierre Gerard, Wolfgang Stolzmann, and Olivier Sigaud.
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T Kovacs 2011-03-12