Dima Damen
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Short Bio...
Dima Damen is a Professor of Computer Vision at the University of Bristol. Dima is currently an EPSRC Fellow (2020-2025), focusing her research interests in the automatic understanding of object interactions, actions and activities using wearable visual (and depth) sensors. She has contributed to novel research questions including assessing action completion, skill/expertise determination from video sequences, discovering task-relevant objects, dual-domain and dual-time learning as well as multi-modal fusion using vision, audio and language. She is the project lead for EPIC-KITCHENS, the largest dataset in egocentric vision, with accompanying open challenges. She also leads the EPIC annual workshop series alongside major conferences (CVPR/ICCV/ECCV). Dima is associate editor of IJCV, IEEE TPAMI and Pattern Recognition, and was a program chair for ICCV 2021. She was selected as a Nokia Research collaborator in 2016, and as an Outstanding Reviewer in CVPR2021, CVPR2020, ICCV2017, CVPR2013 and CVPR2012. Dima received her PhD from the University of Leeds (2009), joined the University of Bristol as a Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2012), Assistant Professor (2013-2018), Associate Professor (2018-2021) and was appointed as chair in August 2021. She supervises 10 PhD students, 2 Visiting PhD students and 2 postdoctoral researchers.
Research Group Members
Toby Perrett , Senior Postdoctoral Researcher (UMPIRE project), 2018-
Jian Ma , PhD student 2019 -
Daniel Whettam , PhD student 2020 - (CDT in Interactive AI)
Adriano Fragomeni , PhD student 2020-
Kevin Flanagan , PhD student 2021-
Bin Zhu , Postdoctoral Researcher 2021-
Jacob Chalk , PhD student 2021-
Ahmad Dar Khalil, PhD student 2021-
Zhifan Zhu, PhD student 2021-
Chiara Plizzari , 2022-, ELLIS Student co-Advised with Barbara Caputo, University of Turin
Saptarshi Sinha, PhD student 2022-
Rhodri Gurrier, MRes student 2022-
Siddhant Bansal , PhD student, 2023-
Gabrielle Goletto , 2023 -, ELLIS student co-Advised with Giuseppe Bruno, University of Turin
Previous Students, and Postdocs
Alexanros Stergiou , Postdoctoral Researcher 2021-2022. Currently at Vrije University of Brussels
Dena Bazazian , Postdoctoral Researcher, 2021-2022
Michael Wray , Postdoc 2019-2022, previously PhD student 2015-2019. Currently lecturer at University of Bristol
Evangelos Kazakos , PhD student 2017 - 2022
Will Price , PhD student 2017 - 2021
Jonathan Munro , PhD student 2017 - 2021
Alessandro Masullo , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2017-2021 - currently Lecturer at University of Bristol
Youngkyoon Jang , postdoc (GLANCE project), 2018-2021 - currentlly postdoc at Imperial College
Hazel Doughty , PhD student 2016 - 2020 - currently postdoc at University of Amsterdam
Farnoosh Heidarivincheh , PhD student 2015-2020 - currently postdoc at University of Bristol
Davide Moltisanti , PhD student 2015-2019 - currently postdoc at NTU Singapore
Miguel Fortiz , PhD student 2016 - 2019 (Co-supervisor: Walterio Mayol-Cuevas)
Victor Ponce Lopez , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2017-2018
Vahid Soleimani , PhD student 2014-2018 (Co-supervisor: Majid Mirmehdi)
Yangdi Xu , PhD student 2013-2018
Toby Perrett, postdoc (LOCATE project), 2017-2018
Teesid Leelasawassuk , PhD student 2011-2016
Massimo Camplani , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2013-2017
Sion Hannuna , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2013-2017
Lili Tao , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2013-2017
Adeline Paiment , postdoc (SPHERE project), 2013-2016
Awards and Fellowships
EPSRC Early Career Fellow, 2020-2025
Outstanding Reviewer, CVPR 2020
Outstanding Reviewer, ICCV, 2017
University Research Fellowship 2017/2018 , University of Bristol, 2017
Nokia Research Collaborator , 2016
Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE CVPR, 2013
Outstanding Review, IEEE AVSS, 2013
Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE CVPR, 2012
Overseas Research Students Award Scholarship (ORSAS), 2006-2009
MSc Prize for Best Academic Performance, University of Leeds, 2003
Workshops and Conference Organisation
(Ongoing) Program Chair for International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Montreal, Oct 2021
(Upcoming) Tutorial Chair for International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, Sep 2023
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , ECCV Workshop, Virtual, August 2020.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , CVPR Workshop, Virtual, June 2020.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , ICCV Workshop, Seoul, Oct 2019.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , CVPR Workshop, Long Beach, June 2019.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , ECCV Workshop, Munich, Oct 2018.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , ICCV Workshop, Venice, Oct 2017.
Chair of BMVA Symposium on Transfer Learning in Computer Vision , London, Jan 2017.
Organiser for Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) , ECCV Workshop, Amsterdam, Oct 2016.
Organiser for Cognitive Robotics Systems - Replicating Human Actions and Activities (CRS-2013) , IROS Workshop, Tokyo, Oct 2013.
Organiser for Cognitive Assistive Systems - Closing the Action Perception Loop (CAS-2012) , IROS Workshop, Vilamoura, Oct 2012.
Program Chair of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) , Bristol, Sep 2013.
Publicity chair and spotlights organiser of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , San Francisco, USA, June 2010.
Student organising committee for British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) , Leeds, Sep 2008.
Professional Memberships
ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) Society Member, 2020 -
EPSRC Associate Peer Review College Member, 2016 -
University of Bristol Senate Member 2016 -
ViiHM Member, 2015 -
IEEE Member, 2010 -
BMVA Member, 2007 -
IEEE Student Member, 2008-2009
From Aug 2018, I am a Reader (Associate Professor) at the Department of Computer Science , University of Bristol .
Previous Appointments
Principal Investigator on EPSRC project LOCATE (2016 - 2018)
Task leader on EPSRC-IRC project SPHERE (2013 - 2018)
Associate Editor for IET Computer Vision, 2014-2018
July 2017 - July 2018: Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol
Jan 2013 - July 2017: Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol
Feb 2010 - Dec 2012: Research Associate (RA) working on the Cognito research project (http://www.ict-cognito.org ) working with Andrew Calway , Walterio Mayol-Cuevas and Andrew Gee .
Sep 2006 - Nov 2009: I finished my PhD in Computer vision under the supervision of David Hogg .
Oct 2003 - Sep 2006: Lecturer at Petra University
Sep 2002 - Sep 2003: MSc (with High Distinction) in Distributed Multimedia Systems from the University of Leeds. My MSc thesis was in collaboration with HP Labs
June 2002: I finished my undergraduate studies in
Computer Science.