![The LCS
Bibliography Logo](lcs.bib.gif)
A Learning Classifier
Systems Bibliography
This was an attempt to compile a complete bibliography of everything
ever written on learning classifier systems -- the genetics-based machine
learning systems introduced by John Holland. It's fairly complete up to
about 2000 but after I started a lectureship I didn't put much time into
the bibliography and eventually I stopped updating it altogether.
View the Entire Bibliography
Please note that the number in brackets (like this: [400]) next to a paper can change each time I add
a paper to the bibliography.
- January 2002. The Bibliography moved to Bristol.
- June 2000.The LCS Acronym Registry opened.
- April 2000. The Electronic LCS paper archive is now operating.
- Dec. 1999. This bibliography archived as part of the Collection
of Computer Science Bibliographies maintained by Alf-Christian Achilles.
About Bibtex and Other Bibliography Formats
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the bibliography, especially Pier Luca
Lanzi who originally helped me get it going, and Alwyn Barry who contributed his
own large LCS bibliography.
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