Courses using or recommending this book
- My own course: COMS30106: Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming (University of Bristol, UK)
- Knowledge-based
systems (CM0377) (University of Cardiff, UK)
- Programming in Prolog (University of Freiburg, D)
- Foundations of AI (University of Freiburg, D)
- Comp 80: Programming Languages (Tufts University, USA)
- Logic Programming (Free University Brussels, B)
- Programming in Logic (University College Cork, IE)
- Logic Programming (Uppsala University, SE)
- CS2DEC: Declarative Programming (King's College London, UK)
- DCS/215: Artificial Intelligence I (Queen Mary and Westfield, UK)
- CSC 2501: Symbolic Computation and AI (St. Joseph's University, USA)
- Programacion declarativa (University of Sevilla, E)
- Inteligencia Artificial II (University of Sevilla, E)
If you are using or recommending my book in your course and it is not
listed above, please drop me a line at
Other links
All links alive as of 29 May, 2003.
/ Peter Flach