The Many-core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference (MRSC 2010)
- MRSC 2010 is Europe's largest conference focused on the emerging accelerator technologies of many-core processors such as GPUs and reconfigurable solutions such as FPGAs. I was fortunate to chair this year's conference which was held at CASPUR's facilties in Rome between March 22nd and 24th.
- My verbose notes from the conference.
- The conference presentation should be available from the website within a week of the conference finishing. We were also videoing the conference and this should also be made available from the website to everyone once it has been edited.
SIAM's Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP10)
- SIAM PP10 is a large, mathematically-focused High Performance Computing conference hosted every other year in the US. 2010 saw the conference held in Seattle, home to Microsoft and Cray (not to mention Starbucks and Boeing).
SuperComputing 2009 (SC'09)
- SC'09 is the largest High Performance Computing conference in the world. It's always in the US but moves around the country. 2009 saw the conference held in Portland, home to Intel.
International SuperComputing 2009 (ISC '09)
- ISC'09 is second the largest supercomputing conference on the calendar, and the largest outside the US. It is held in Germany every year - 2009 saw the conference move to Hamburg for the first time