How to Do Research
- Marie desJardins, SRI International Menlo Park,
- John W. Chinneck, Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
- David Chapman, MIT, AI Lab, USA
- Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe,
and Gordon Plotkin
The Researchers' Bible , Technical Report DAI Teaching
Paper No. 4, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh,:
February 17, 1995 (revised September 1986 and July 1989).
latest version
including contributions by Graeme Ritchie and Peter Ross; 9 November 2004
- Alan Bundy's "How to Guides"
- E. Robert Schulman and C. Virginia Cox,
Charlottesville, Virginia
- Toby Walsh, University of York, UK
- Joe Wolfe, The University of New South Wales, Sydney
Additional Refererences
- *!* Scott Berkun, How to Get the Most out of
- Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton. How
To Have Your Abstract Rejected .
- Salvatore T. March. Editorial Policy, ACM Computing
Surveys, 23(2):133-141, June 1991.
- Dupr�, Lyn. BUGS in Writing : a Guide to
Debugging Your Prose, Reading, Mass. [u.a.]: Addison-Wesley,
2dn ed., 1998.
- Eco, Umberto. Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlu�arbeit
schreibt: Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes-
und Sozialwissenschaften - Heidelberg:M�ller, 6., Aufl. d.
dt. Ausg., 1993. ISBN 3825215121,
- Aktuell in den Medien:
Standardartikel zu Evaluation von Forschung
vom 9.Apr.2002
How to Write a Scientific Paper
- Simon L. Peyton Jones, John Hughes, and John
Launchbury , Department of Computing Science, University
of Glasgow, Scotland
- Werner Horn, Institut f�r Medizinische Kybernetik
und Artificial Intelligence, Universit�t Wien, Austria
- M. Anton Ertl, Institut f�r Computersprachen, Technische
Universit�t Wien, Austria
- Karl M. G�schka, Institut f�r Computertechnik,
Technische Universit�t Wien, Austria
- Roy Levin and David Redell, Institut f�r Computertechnik,
Technische Universit�t Wien, Austria
- William Pugh, Department of Computer Science and Institute
for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park,
- Tony Roberts, Department of Mathematics & Computing,
University of Southern Queensland,Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia
- E. Robert Schulman, Charlottesville, Virginia
How to Present a Scientific Paper
- Ian Parberry, Department of Computer Sciences,
University of North Texas, USA
- How to Present a Paper
in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students
first appeared in SIGACT News, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.
42-47, 1988. It was reviewed briefly in the SIG News section of
the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 146, 1989, and
was reprinted in Bulletin of the EATCS, No. 37, pp. 344-349, 1989,
and The Bit Dropper, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 6-11, 1989.
- Simon L. Peyton Jones, John Hughes, and
John Launchbury , Department of Computing Science, University
of Glasgow, Scotland
- Manfred Hauswirth, Institut f�r Informationssysteme,
Technische Universit�t Wien, Austria
- Werner Purgathofer, Institut f�r Computergraphik,
Technische Universit�t Wien, Austria
- Jeffry Veen
- S. Katzoff
- Presentation Tips (Top Ten Slide Tips, Organization &
Preparation Tips, Delivery Tips, ...
- Additional Hints
How to Design a Poster
Tips on Organizing Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia
- Marie desJardins, SRI International, Menlo Park,
- IEEE "Conference Organizer Tools", (vom Workshop
bis zur Riesenkonferenz)
How to Review
- Alan Jay Smith
- Ian Parberry, Department of Computer Sciences,
University of North Texas, USA
- Donald E. Knuth
- Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee and Paul M. Roberts.
Digitial Libaries
aleph : Online-Kataloge des �sterreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
- Elektronische Zeitschriften an der UBTU-Wien
Tips for Writing Correct English
University Ranking
Additional Hints
Last update August 2, 2006 by Silvia Miksch,