Analysis Of Algorithms ---------------------- Questions On Chapter 6 ---------------------- 1 A particular factory manufactures N different products 1...N. Production happens in N-day cycles. On day 1, the machines are set up to produce product 1, and a quantity of product 1 is produced. On day 2, the machines are changed round to produce product 2, and a quantity of product 2 is produced. This continues for N days, and then repeats. Suppose that the cost of changing round the machines is high and needs to be minimised by making the products in a different order. Suppose that the cost C[i,j] of changing round the machines from making product i to making product j is known for each pair of products i and j, and that the optimum order of the N products is to be found which minimises the total change-round cost over the N days of a production cycle. Show that this is equivalent to another well-known problem. How long does it take to solve the problem? 2 Suppose a plotter is being used to plot a scatter diagram - that is a collection of "random" points on the paper. The plotting takes a long time because of the amount of time it takes for the plotter's pen to move from one point to the next. It is suggested that the points be sorted into some suitable order before plotting begins so as to minimize the total time taken to produce the plot. Does this correspond closely to any of the well-known problems in chapter 6? How much time should be spent looking for a fast algorithm to produce the optimum ordering? 3 Show that the halting problem is NP-hard, i.e. that all problems in the class NP can be reduced to it. Is the halting problem NP-complete? 4 Give a brief indication of why each of the following problems is in the class NP: The longest path problem The job scheduling problem The code generation problem The timetable problem The digital circuit layout problem 5 In the TSP, each town must be visited only once. Suppose instead we want to find the shortest tour which visits each town at least once - i.e. multiple visits are allowed. This is a new problem - the multi-visit TSP or MTSP. Show that MTSP reduces to TSP, i.e. MTSP <= TSP, i.e. MTSP is no harder than TSP.