Answers to "questions4"                               Analysis of Algorithms
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1. The network can be drawn easily. The label matrix for it is:

         A  B  C  D  E  Z
      A  0  7  0  4  0  0
      B  0  0  5  5  0  0
      C  0  0  0  1  1  3
      D  0  0  0  0  7  0
      E  0  1  0  0  0  8
      Z  0  0  0  0  0  0

   Searching for flow-augmenting paths leads to the following priority
   queue changes:

      A11 --> B7,D4 --> C5,D5 --> D5,Z3,E1 --> E5,Z3 --> Z5
      leading to a path ABDEZ with a flow increase of 5 units

      A6 --> D4,B2 --> B4,E2 --> C4,E2 --> Z3,E2 --> Z3
      leading to a path ADBCZ with a flow increase of 3 units

      A3 --> B2,D1 --> C2,D2 --> D2,E1 --> E2 --> Z2
      leading to a path ABDEZ with a flow increase of 2 units

      A1 --> D1 --> B1 --> C1 --> E1 --> Z1
      leading to a path ADBCEZ with a flow increase of 1 unit

      A0 --> empty
      indicates that no more flow-augmenting paths can be found