

Big problems need to be broken down into smaller subproblems

Big programs need to be broken down into smaller pieces - modules

It pays to take some time to design the modules, e.g. by scribbling on paper, before programming


Suppose we have a two-function program, defined and compiled like this:

void print() { ... }
int main() { ... }
gcc -std=c11 -Wall program.c -o program

Multiple modules

Instead, we can put the functions in two files, and compile like this:

void print() { ... }
void print();
int main() { ... }
gcc -std=c11 -Wall main0.c print0.c -o program

Each module needs declarations of the functions it uses from other modules

Signatures and Types

Suppose we create a module with several functions

Other modules need to include declarations of those functions

The same goes for declarations of types created by the module

We don't want to repeat the list of declarations in lot's of places, every time we want to use the module

Header files

So, make a header file for each module with the module's declarations in it

void print();
void print() { ... }
#include "print.h"
int main() { ... }
gcc -std=c11 -Wall main.c print.c -o program

Own header

A good thing to do is for a module to include its own header file:

#include "print.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void print() { ... }

Then the compiler checks that the declarations in the header match the definitions in the .c file

Local functions

What if we want a function to be local to a module?

// Swap two items in an array
void swap(int array[], int i, int j) { ... }

// Sort an array of integers
void sort(int n, int array[n]) { ... }

In a sorting module, we would want to export sort, but not swap which is a supporting function

Name clashes

Of course, we won't mention swap in the header

But that's not enough, because the function name swap might clash with something else called swap in some other module

The answer is to define swap as static:

static void swap(int array[], int i, int j) ...

void sort(int n, int array[n]) { ... }

static means local to this module


The opposite of static is extern

For functions, it is the default and you don't need it

It is only needed for global variables, which we are not using in this unit

It is used to declare a global variable which is defined in some other module - otherwise you can't tell the difference between a declaration and a definition


Programmers used to use #define to make functions efficient:

#define twice(n) n+n
#define square(n) n*n

But this is dumb textual substitution, so twice(3)*2 becomes 3+3*2 giving 9 instead of 12


The problem can be lessened by adding brackets round the expression:

#define twice(n) (n+n)
#define square(n) (n*n)

But this is still dumb substitution, so square(2+3) becomes 2+3*2+3 giving 11 instead of 25

More brackets

The problem can be lessened by adding more brackets round the args:

#define twice(n) ((n)+(n))
#define square(n) ((n)*(n))

But this is still dumb substitution, so if read is a function for reading a number then twice(read()) becomes read()+read() which calls read twice instead of once

And this time there is no quick and dirty fix


The right solution in C11 is:

inline int twice(n) { return n+n; }
inline int square(n) { return n*n; }

This is a hint to the compiler to do inlining (though it might choose not to if the optimisation level is low, and it might do it anyway without the hint if the optimisation level is high)

Inlining is intelligent substitution - it doesn't just save a call, it enables further optimisations on the inlined code

Inline in headers

The compiler compiles each module independently, and links afterwards

So it can only inline a function into its own module (the one containing its definition)

So what if you want to inline a library function?

Answer: break the usual rule and put the inline definition of the function into the library header

Cross-module inlining

Putting a function definition in a header is ugly - is there a better way?

Yes, define the function as extern inline (extern is needed to satisfy clang)

extern inline int twice(n) { return n+n; }

Then use the option -flto (link time optimisation)

Array list module

Suppose we implement array lists with

struct list {
  int length, capacity;
  int *items;
typedef struct list list;

And we add some nice functions, and put them in a module

What should the header look like?

Array list header

The list header should be:

struct list;
typedef struct list list;

list *newList();
add(list *ns, int n);
print(list *ns);

The declaration struct list tells other modules that there is a list structure, but not the fields inside it

It is just like a function declaration (how to access, but no internals)

Opaque types


struct list;

is called an opaque type because you can't see inside it

list.c fills in the details:

struct list { ... };
list *newList() { ... }
static void expand(list *ns) { ... }
void add(struct list *ns, int n) { ... }
void print(list *ns) { ... }

The demo program

The program that uses list.h is:

#include "list.h"

int main() {
    list *numbers;
    numbers = newList();
    add(numbers, 3);
    add(numbers, 5);
    add(numbers, 42);


The list module as a whole has been encapsulated (given a protective wrapper)

From listdemo.c you cannot misuse the list module, you can only call the functions provided

You can't even call malloc(sizeof(struct list)) because the compiler doesn't know the size

This is a very robust way to write multi-module programs


Two different designs will often be implemented in the end using quite similar functions

What's different is the organisation of the functions

It turns out, for all programs except the tiniest, that the organisation of the functions is just as important as the functions themselves

The issues are the ease of development, and the ease of automatic testing

Example: a grid game

Imagine a graphical grid-based game, e.g a maze

The grid containing blank spaces, walls, a player, and some stars to collect


Let's do a rough sketch of some possible modules

A reasonably sensible split might be an overall game control module, a grid module to keep track of where everything is, an entity module for the behaviours of the individual things in the grid, and a display module to show the game on screen

Module sketch

So we'll need, maybe, modules like this


Next, we want to work out which modules depend on which others

A module A depends on a module B if a function in module A calls a function in module B

We can picture it by drawing an arrow from A to B

Working out dependencies in advance needs experience, because you have to imagine the function calls needed in the implementation

Dependency sketch

It is easy to imagine dependencies like this:

A tangled mess

The sketch that we've drawn has a general problem and a specific problem

The general problem is that it is a tangled mess

If modules have a mess of dependencies between them, there is no gain, compared to just putting all the functions in one file

And that limits the size of a project before it gets out of hand and becomes unmaintainable

Cyclic dependencies

The more specific problem is cyclic dependencies

That's where modules depend on each other

In that case, there is no easy order to develop them in

For example, suppose an upgrade is needed which affects all the modules

Then the program is going to be broken until all the modules are back in working order - that's too long
(see aside: agile development)


Avoiding dependency cycles is hugely important, making development 'easy' instead of 'nearly impossible'

A development step starts with a working program, and adds a feature, which may affect all the modules

But you can find one module which doesn't depend on anything, fix it up, and test it, even though the other modules are all temporarily broken

Then you can fix up another module, which doesn't depend on anything except the first one, and test it

And so on, until the whole program works again

Getting rid of cycles

Let's try to get rid of the cyclic dependencies in the sketch

To do that, we have to imagine what the function calls in the implementation are for, and then come up with a better design

Key presses

One dependency that is causing trouble is display depending on game

This is presumably because display calls a function in game when a key press is detected


A good plan is to reverse the dependency, so that game depends on display

Game can call display to ask for the next key press

The display will need an event queue, but there is usually a need for an event queue anyway

Grid and entities

Another cycle problem, seemingly inevitable, is that the grid needs to know about the entities in it, and entities need to call grid functions to find their neighbours

Grid implementation

A good solution to this is to stop the grid depending on the entity module

Although the grid stores entities, it doesn't need to know anything about the entities, or to call any functions on them

So the grid can be generic, i.e. we can define it to store objects of any type - "grid of anything"

Generic modules

The C language does not provide generic types (except arrays, e.g. t a[]; means a has type "array of t")

All C provides is void pointers, of type void *

A void pointer variable can hold a pointer of any type

This is "official", so you don't normally need casts, but beware because the result is not properly typesafe

(The lack of safety is not usually a big practical problem, because the kind of bug that it leads to is fairly rare)

Forward references

Maybe having a generic grid module based on void pointers seems too complex, or too unsafe

An alternative is a forward reference

The opaque type struct entity can be declared in the grid header grid.h instead of the entity header entity.h

The grid module knows nothing about it, so can only handle it via pointers, and its details get filled in by the entity module entity.c as before

Game and entities

One further cycle problem is that the game depends on the entities because it acts as a controller, and the entity module depends on the game because entities need to update the global game state, e.g. the score

Play and state

The problem is we have one module which both acts as a controller and keeps track of the global game state

A good solution is to split it into two modules

Let's put the controller aspects into a module called play, and the game state aspects into a module called state


We are aiming for this situation:

It is possible that the state module might still depend on the entity module, because the state needs to store entities (in our case just the player entity)

But it doesn't need to call entity functions, so we can make it generic again

No cycles

The design changes we've come up with have left us without cycles:

To simplify, indirect dependencies are being left out - if A depends on B and B depends on C, there is no need to draw an arrow from A to C

Shared modules

The display module is a shared one:

Its header file gets included in state.h and grid.h, and they both get included in entity.h, so display.h would be included twice when compiling the entity module


It turns out that there is a problem when the header of a shared module gets included twice

Something could get defined twice, which the compiler might not accept

In C99, there used to be a problem with typedefs (which C counted as definitions rather than declarations), but the typedef problem has gone away in C11 (the same typedef can appear multiple times)


That leaves enumerations as the only remaining problem - if a header contains:

enum suit { Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade };
typedef enum suit suit;

then that header can't be included twice


Define the enumeration in its own module, with functions but with no other custom types, and define suit as a synonym for int rather than enum suit

enum suit { Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade };
typedef int suit;

In any other header which needs the suit type, write typedef int suit; not #include <suit.h>

In a .c file that needs the functions, use
#include <suit.h>

Preprocessor solution

What tutorials usually recommend is to surround a header or an individual type declaration with a protective #ifdef guard which prevents it from being included twice

This is used extensively for library modules, but it uses preprocessor trickery which it is better to avoid in ordinary project modules

See wikipedia entry for details

Linear order

With no cycles, modules can be put in a linear order:

Then any development step can upgrade and test the modules one-by-one from right to left

Graphics problem

We have one problem left - currently, everything depends on the graphics in the display module

It is perfectly possible to design a program this way, and it is very common, but it has a disadvantage

Graphics makes automatic testing difficult, so in our case, graphics makes the auto-testing of every module difficult


You often hear about the "MVC design pattern" for programs with (graphical) user interfaces

The problem is, there is no consensus about how the three groups of modules depend on each other

A good approach is to have the controller depend on the other two, which are independent of each other

Final design

That leads to this final design:

The entity/grid/state modules form the "model" (the logic), and can be auto-tested, the display module is the view, and the play module is the controller

The play module drives the model, extracts data from it, and gives it to the view

Maze program

So let's start development

It will very soon turn out that nearly every module needs a fail function to print a message and exit

Defining it once and for all helps to avoid the temptation to leave out safety tests

So let's create a base module to hold fail (and succeed as a very minor convenience)

Change of design

So at the very first step, we need to change our design by adding a module - that's totally normal

/* The base module provides success and fail
functions. */

// Print with newline, avoiding the need for stdio.h.
void succeed(char *message);

// Report a test failure or bug, and stop the program.
void fail(char *message);


Now is the time to design auto-testing - don't put it off!

We will need multiple main functions for testing each module, and a complete program cannot contain more than one main - let's use conditional compilation:

#ifdef test_base

int main() { ... }


For testing the module, test_direction is defined and main is included, otherwise main is left out


At the same time, we should start developing a makefile:

.PHONY: base
CC = clang -Dtest_$@ -std=c11 -Wall -pedantic -g -o maze

    $(CC) base.c

.PHONY says "always compile, don't check timestamps"

CC defines the compiler and options (the program produced is always called maze)

$@ is replaced by the target name, and the -D option defines a variable as if with #define

What's next

It seems the grid module is next

We want to be able to move round using directions rather than coordinates, so that all coordinate calculations stay inside the grid module

We need an enumerated type to define the directions

According to our conventions, the enumerated type should go in its own module

So, another change of design, we'll add a direction module


There are two common coordinate systems in maths, cartesian coordinates (x right, then y up) and matrix row/column coordinates (r down, then c right)

The most common convention in computer science is graphics coordinates: x right, then y down, a compromise because a display is both a cartesian space and a matrix of pixels

So that's what we will use (what matters is to be explicit, consistent and clear)

Direction header

Here's a suitable header for the direction module:

/* Directions allow entities to move around in the grid
without using absolute coordinates. Graphics coordinates
are used, i.e. (x,y) with x to the right and y down. Don't
include this header in other headers, just repeat the typedef. */

// There are eight directions, plus HERE for the current position.
enum direction {
typedef int direction;

// Find the x offset corresponding to a given direction.
int deltaX(direction d);

// Find the y offset corresponding to a given direction.
int deltaY(direction d);


The inclusions in the direction.c file are:

#include "direction.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>

A module should always include its own header file, so the compiler checks consistency

stdio/stdbool are used just for implementation, so can be included just in the .c file, not the header

"..." means local module, <...> means system module

Grid module

The grid module has a nextCell function to find the entity in a neighbouring cell in a given direction

That way all coordinate calculations for finding neighbouring cells are done in one place, in the grid module

The grid module has a forward reference to the entity type, and is written in a generic style without using any entity functions, to avoid a dependency on the entity module

Grid type 1

There are lots of possibilities for the grid type

The simplest is to define width and height as constants:

enum { width = 9, height = 9 };
struct grid {
    entity *cells[width][height];
entity *e = g->cells[x][y];

The problem is, the size can't be changed without recompiling

Grid type 2

The most straightforward flexible approach is to use an array of pointers to column arrays

struct grid {
    int width, height;
    entity ***cells;
entity *e = g->cells[x][y];

This uses a lot of pointers, and each column array is allocated separately - this is what our grid module uses

And there are a lot of intermediate possibilities


Sentinels are sometimes used to avoid edge-case programming

With the grid, we can make sure there are walls all the way round the edges (not necessarily visible on screen)

That way, if a calling function looks for a neighbour in a given direction, this will never go outside the grid

There is still an internal test for out-of-bounds coordinates, as a defensive measure to detect bugs, but callers need not be aware of it

State module

The state module defines the state type, which tracks the player and the number of stars left to find:

struct state;
typedef struct state state;
struct state {
    entity *player; int stars;


With the entity module, a new issue arises

An entity stores its own (x,y) position in the grid

A problem is keeping its (x,y) fields consistent with its actual location in the grid

It is important to isolate coordinate handling as much as possible, so only a few functions are responsible for this consistency

A good approach is to break the entity module in two

Two modules

The entity module itself will provide just a few primitive but powerful functions which use the coordinates

This will be very stable, and potentially re-usable from one game to another

A new kind module will define the behaviour of the different kinds of entity, but it won't have access to the (x,y) coordinates, will only use the functions from the entity module, and cannot break consistency


To specify different kinds of entity, there is a kind type:

typedef char kind;

Characters are used as kinds, so that level descriptions can be text-based

Actual constants for kinds of entity are not defined in the entity module, because the entity module is generic, so a forward reference will do

Entity structure

The entity structure is:

struct entity {
    kind k; int x, y; state *s; grid *g;

Having references to the state and grid objects means that an entity can act autonomously

This is another aspect of object oriented programming - making objects autonomous often helps to improve a program's organisation

Entity functions

The most important functions are:

void move(entity *e, entity *target);
void mutate(entity *e, kind newKind);

The player moves by calling move, which swaps the player entity with a blank space next to it in the grid

When a star is collected, mutate is called to make it disappear by changing it into a blank space

These can support quite a wide variety of games

Kind module

The kind module defines specific kinds of entity as an enumerated type

enum {
    BLANK='.', WALL='#', STAR='*', PLAYER='@'

(In actual fact, these constants don't need to be in the header file)

Kind functions

The kind module defines three functions:

void wake(entity *e);
void die(entity *e);
void act(entity *e, direction d);

The wake function is called on each entity at the start, so it can affect the initial game state

die is called on an entity (a star in our game) when it disappears, to update the game state

act is called on an active entity (the player in our game) to get it to take one step

The wake function

The wake function looks like this:

void wake(entity *e) {
    state *s = getState(e);
    kind k = getKind(e);
    if (k == PLAYER) setPlayer(s, e);
    else if (k == STAR) addStar(s);

The player records itself in the state

A star adds to the count in the state

The display module

The display module defines constants for the keys pressed by the user

A separate module to define an enumerated type is avoided by defining the keys as external constants (though they can't then be used in switch statements)

typedef char key;
extern const key LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, SPACE;

Display functions

The display module also provides functions:

key getKey(display *d);
void drawEntity(display *d, int k, int x, int y);
void drawFrame(display *d);

getKey waits for the user to press an arrow key or space, and returns the key pressed

drawEntity draws a single cell into a window image

drawFrame transfers the whole window image onto the screen to update what the user sees, and then delays for 20 milliseconds (to support animation)

SDL library

The display.c file uses SDL:

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>

The display.h header file does not include any SDL headers or mention any SDL functions or types

And no other module includes any SDL headers or mentions any SDL functions or types

Display structure

The display structure is:

struct display {
    int width, height, imageWidth, imageHeight;
    SDL_Window *window;
    SDL_Surface *surface;
    SDL_Surface *images[128];

The SDL window and surface are needed for drawing, and the images for the different kinds of entity are stored so they only get loaded from files once

Error handling

Programs using the SDL library can be difficult to debug, so care is taken to catch SDL errors, according to the SDL function documentation, and report them:

SDL_Surface *image =

A couple of custom functions P and I help to make error handling look minimal


The simplest strategy is used for drawing:

SDL_BlitSurface(image, NULL, d->surface, box);

Each cell is drawn into an image in memory (the 'window surface') and then that image is used to update the screen once per frame


The display module has a test function:

int main() { ... }

The module can't be automatically tested, so instead it is 'manually' tested - the test function creates a window for a few seconds, to be checked by eye

The play module

The play module is sufficiently small that it doesn't need to be separate

It can be in maze.c, so it is the main program

It brings everything together:

int main() { ... }

The files

The complete set of files is:


The structure of the maze program is suitable for much more complex grid games, e.g. wanderer:


It's a reconstruction of a retro game from the 1980's

It has 60 difficult levels, so don't get addicted unless you have time