Future conferences
- Swedish one
- (program committee) "Bioinformatics 2013", Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 Feb 2013
Past conferences
- Korean institute talk (standards metrics place)
- Structural genomics in Hokkaidoi ISCG Sapporro
- (speaker) "European Grid Infrastructure technical forum 2012", Prague, Czech Rep., 17-21 Sep 2012
- (speaker) "Automated Function Prediction 2012", CA, USA, 14 Jul 2012
- (program committee) "ISMB", Long Beach, CA, USA, 15-17 Jul 2012
- (colloquium) Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, 18 Jun 2012
- (program committee) "Bioinformatics 2012", Stockholm, Sweden, 11-14 Jun 2012
- (session chair/speaker) "2nd International Conference on Molecular Recognition", Rhodes, Greece, 5-10 June 2012
- (program committee) "ISMB/ECCB" Vienna, Austria, 15-19 July 2011
- (speaker) "3D-sig" Vienna, Austria, 13-14 July 2011
- (speaker) "ISCB Africa ASBCB joint conference on Bioinformatics", Cape Town, 9-11 March 2011
- (program committee) "Bioinformatics", Rome, Italy, 26-29 Jan 2011
- (speaker) "Science Foo Camp", Googleplex, California, USA, 30 July - 1 Aug, 2010
- (program committee) "ISMB", Boston, USA, 11-13 Jul 2010
- (session chair) "3D-sig", Boston, USA, 9-10 Jul 2010
- (program committee) "ECCB" Ghent, Belgium, 26-29 Sep 2010
- (program committee) "International Conference on Bioinformatics", Valenica, Spain, 20-23 Jan 2010
- (speaker) "BiO Conference", Daejeon, S. Korea, 3 Sep 2009
- (program committee) "ISMB", Stockholm, Sweden, 27 Jun- 2 Jul 2009
- (poster) CSHL Symposium: "Evolution - The Molecular Landscape", USA, 27 May- 1 Jun 2009
- (program committee) "European Conference on Computational Biology", Cagliar
i, Sardinia-Italy, 22-26 Sep 2008
- (program committee) "ISMB", Toronto, Canada, 19-23 Jul 2008
- (speaker) "HUGO/AP" Mactan Island, Philippines, 2-5 Apr 2008
- (program committee) "Languages in Biology and Medicine", Singapore, 6-7 Dec 2007
- (speaker) "IWGD'07" Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29-31 Aug 2007
- (program committee) "ISMB/ECCB" Vienna, Austria, 21-25 Jul 2007
- (program committee) "ISMB" Fortaleza, Brazil, 6-10 Aug 2006
- (speaker) "20th Pasteur Weizmann Symposium: Structural Biology" Paris, France 21-23 Jun 2006
- (program committee) "ECCB" Madrid, Spain, 28 Sept- 1 Oct 2005
- (program committee) "ISMB" Michigan, USA, 25-29 Jun 2005
- (poster) "The 27th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan" Kobe, Japan, 8-11 Dec, 2004
- (poster/referee) "ISMB/ECCB" Glasgow, Scotland, 31 July- 4 Aug 2004
- (poster) "RECOMB 2004 Annual Conference on Computational Molecular Biology" San Diego, USA, 27-31 March 2004
- (session chair) ??? non-coding FANTOM meeting
- (participant) "Transcriptome 2003" Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 November 2003
- (poster) "CASP5: Fifth Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction" Assilomar, California, U.S.A. 1-5 Dec, 2002
- (speaker) "Functional Genomics" Vejle, Denmark 22-23 May, 2002
- (speaker) "FANTOM2 Cherry Blossom meeting" RIKEN, Japan 1-5 May, 2002
- (speaker) "Keystone symposium: Structural Genomics: From Gene Sequence to Function", Breckenridge, USA, January 5-11, 2002
- (speaker) "CCP4 workshop: High-throughput Structure Determination", York, UK 4-5th January 2002
- (speaker) "LMB graduate symposium", Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, UK, Nov 22 2001
- (speaker) "FANTOM2 Typhoon meeting (Mouse cDNA collection)" RIKEN, Japan Oct 15-19, 2001
- (speaker) "Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference: Genome Informatics", Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, UK August 8-12 , 2001
- (poster) "9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)", Copenhagen, Denmark July 21-25, 2001
- (speaker) "DIMACS Workshop on Protein Strucuture and Structural Genomics: Prediction, Determination, Technology and Algorithms", Rutgers, USA March 8-9, 2001
- (participant) "From Gene to Structure to Function" Robinson College, Cambridge, UK 20-22 September 2000
- (poster) "Genes, Proteins & Computers" VI - Chester UK April 26-28 2000
- (poster) "RECOMB2000 The Fourth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology" Tokyo, Japan April 8 - 11, 2000
- (participant) "Bioinformatics '99", Lund, Sweden, April 15-18, 1999