Atocha Aliseda
| A unified framework for abductive and inductive reasoning in philosophy and AI
John Bell
| Induction in philosophy and AI
Brigitte Bessant
| The Babelism about induction and abduction
Pavel Brazdil, Alipio Jorge
| Induction with subtheory selection and abduction
Marc Denecker, Bern Martens, Luc De Raedt
| On the difference between abduction and induction: a model theoretic perspective
F. Esposito, E. Lamma, D. Malerba, P. Mello, M. Milano, F. Riguzzi, G. Semeraro
| Learning abductive logic programs
Peter Flach
| Abduction and induction: syllogistic and inferential perspectives
Eric Gregoire, Lakhdar Sais
| Inductive reasoning is sometimes deductive
John Josephson
| Inductive generalisations are abductions
(slides are here)
Nicolas Lachiche, Pierre Marquis
| Abduction, induction and completion policies
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo
| Abduction and induction in learning tasks: which needs the other?
Erich Prem
| The referential basis of abduction and logic
Stathis Psillos
| Ampliative reasoning: induction or abduction?
Ch. Vrain, D. Laurent
| Updates, induction and abduction in deductive databases
Yannis Dimopoulos, Antonis Kakas
| Abduction and induction: an AI perspective