The video source data "PanAfrican2019" contains 500 videos of approx 15s each, summing to over 180K frames overall. The videos show great apes, that is gorillas or chimpanzees, passing by camera traps. The 500 videos are a small subset of the data gathered in the Pan African Programme. The dataset PanAfrican2019 was used and fully manually annotated for the ICCVW2019 paper: X Yang, M Mirmehdi, T Burghardt. Great Ape Detection in Challenging Jungle Camera Trap Footage via Attention-Based Spatial and Temporal Feature Blending. Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation (CVWC) Workshop at IEEE International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCVW), October 2019. We would like to thank the entire team of the Pan African Programme: ‘The Cultured Chimpanzee’ and its collaborators for allowing the use of their data for this paper. Please contact the copyright holder Pan African Programme at directly to obtain the dataset. The PanAfrica programme holds copyrights of all data. The University of Bristol holds a copy of the dataset for project documentation purposes only and cannot release the dataset without the copyright holder's explicit permission.